Programmed obsolescence

  • 09/01/2019
  • Obsolescence

We live in a world that has got used to making its day a day faster. We wake up in a hurry and immediately step out of the house after eating something as fast as we can. After we finish our journey we will flash into our home again in order to have a non-elaborated dinner while we fill our heads with contents that distract ourselves from the rush that we are in.

Every product that society needs is included in this insatiable system. The case of furniture brings up a simple matter: everything now is produced in big quantities for satisfying the well-known mass consume at an affordable price.

The theory is formidable but it leads to the deterioration of the quality of the products. Actual production has an almost non-existent life use. Enterprises, companies, designers, decorators and anybody that is involved in the process has been forced to keep up to this new method, in which the product is renovated in a minimum period of time.

Quality isn’t really as important as the capacity of selling the product in a fast way. Constant renovation implicates, on a hand a major diversity of products, but on the other hand an extreme elevated cost. This cost doesn’t only refer to human labour, it also refers to raw materials that cause a residual impact. The bigger the production is, the more residues we will have to handle with.

It seems like nowadays the value of doing things right has been lost. The value of fabricating furniture in a way that it can last a lifetime, or that they can be easily repaired. The value of taking into account the impact that industry generates in our society and the value of caring about what surrounds us.

Programmed obsolescence is a reality that becomes more obvious each day, and if we don’t raise awareness about it what will eventually have an almost non-existent life us will be our planet.